Over 75,000 of you joined the March to End Fossil Fuels on September 17th, making it the largest demonstration pressuring Biden since he took office and the largest climate mobilization since the start of the pandemic.
Our work isn't over! We still need President Biden to #EndFossilFuels - by stopping oil and gas projects, phasing down drilling, and declaring a climate emergency. Sign our petition amplifying these demands below 👇

We all want fresh air to breathe. Good jobs for our families. A planet where our lands and oceans thrive.
But the more oil, gas, and coal we burn, the more toxic air we breathe;
the more heatwaves, fires, and floods we face. All while wealthy fossil fuel CEOs rake in record profits from dirty practices that pollute our communities.
President Biden has the power to stop them by putting an end to the expansion of fossil fuels -- ensuring that we all have clean air and water, and better health and safety for our communities.
We deserve a world free from fossil fuels. This is our chance, and Biden's opportunity, to break free from fossil fuels and build a just and safe future.
Join us at the march to end fossil fuels on September 17th in NYC
The United Nations is calling on world leaders to take real steps to lead us off fossil fuels to protect people and the planet. On September 20th in New York, the UN Climate Ambition Summit will gather world leaders to commit to phasing out fossil fuels.
Thousands of us will take to the streets before the summit to demand President Biden take bold action to end fossil fuels.

This summer of record-breaking heatwaves and toxic wildfire smoke makes it clear: pollution from oil, gas, and coal is deadly.
We can't breathe or play outside. Our families are forced to evacuate as our homes are swept away by floods, burned down in mega-fires, or destroyed in hurricanes. Our water is too polluted to drink. Wild and beautiful places are disappearing, and creatures big and small are dying. Our democracy is under threat from the corrupting influence of fossil fuel money in politics.
Fossil fuel pollution impacts us all - and Indigenous, Black, communities with low incomes and communities of color disproportionately bear the brunt of the harm, with deadly consequences like asthma and cancer.
But it doesn't have to be this way.

It's time for Biden to pick a side: is he with us, or is he with the fossil fuel CEOs destroying our planet and polluting our communities?
Biden broke his promise to lead us off fossil fuels. Instead of championing climate justice as he said he would, he's expanded oil and gas drilling, production, and export.
But it's not too late for Biden to reverse course. He must take real action to end fossil fuels by stopping new fossil fuel projects, phasing out oil and gas drilling on our public lands and waters, and declaring a climate emergency to turbo-charge a just clean energy future.

Our communities, our planet, and our futures are being menaced by oil and gas corporations and any decision by our elected leaders that further props them up.
These leaders must answer to us. That's why we're coming together this September to make them listen. Together, we can win a just transition to clean energy, with well-paying jobs, clean air and water, and a planet that is livable for all.
Together, we have the power to make Biden take bold action to #End Fossil Fuels. And this year, the world has our back. We're joining with allies in a global movement calling for the fossil-free future we deserve.
over 700 Organizations have endorsed the March!

Why President Biden?
America is the largest producer of oil and gas in the world.
President Biden is in an unparalleled position to lead the world toward cleaner, less polluting energy options and eliminate the dependence on dangerous fossil fuels. If he takes action, he will protect our health, boost our economy, and tackle the climate crisis head-on.
We call on President Biden to:.
.1. STOP FEDERAL APPROVALS for new fossil fuel projects and REPEAL permits for climate bombs like the willow project and the mountain valley pipeline.
2. PHASE OUT FOSSIL FUEL DRILLING on our public lands and waters.
3. DECLARE A CLIMATE EMERGENCY To halt fossil fuel exports and investments abroad, and turbo-charge the build-out of more just, resilient distributed energy (like rooftop and community solar).
4. PROVIDE A JUST TRANSITION to a renewable energy future* that generates millions of jobs while supporting workers’ and community rights, job security, and employment equity.
*our renewable energy future must not repeat the violence of the extractive past. Justice must ground the transition off fossil fuels to redress the climate, colonialist, racist, socioeconomic, and ecological injustices of the fossil fuel era.