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Thank you for your interest in getting involved! If you will be in New York City on September 17th and can volunteer on the day of the march, please sign up here. More info on other ways to get involved before the march is all below!

Volunteer in New York City

Lots of events in the five boroughs! Canvassing, signing up people to join the march, making art, or other in-person activities. Check the list of upcoming volunteer activities in NYC.

Additional Actions

For those who are able to stay in NYC after the march and are interested in engaging in direct action, some allies are organizing an action on September 18th. Sign up to learn more. 

Organize a hub

Hubs are groups of people working together to bring others to the march. A hub is 10 or more people, and can be based on location, interest, or identity -- for example, faith hub, youth hub, Newark NJ hub. Hubs can also be more specific like a school, workplace, congregation, or neighborhood. Hub captains commit to bringing at least 10 people to attend the march and to be listed as a contact person on the March website. 


Check the list of hubs below; to join an existing hub, get in touch with the contact listed here. 

Interest & Identity Hubs

Health Professionals Hub (sign up here)

Labor Hub (contact Maria and Chris)

Martial Artists for Climate Justice (contact Chrissy)

Creatives, Actors, & Comedians (contact Emily)

Children & Families (contact Liat)

Businesses for Climate Justice (contact Olivia, or sign up here

Anti-Militarism (contact Olivia)

Universal Impacts (contact Rosa)

Elders (contact Ted)

Mothers & Caregivers (contact Bella)

Climate Reality Leaders (contact Sena)

Queer Hub (contact Chrissy)

Social Workers & Social Work Students (contact Nancy)

Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island (contact Betty)

Global Climate Cooperation (contact Ben)

Beyond Plastics (contact Eileen)

Techno & Dancers (contact Charlie)

Feminists for Climate Justice (contact Ashley)

Artists (contact Seth)

Science Educators (contact Addie)

Women of Color (contact Natalie)

Biodiversity (contact Diane)

Scientists (contact John)


Fracked Gas Fighters (contact Eric)

We, The People (contact Jennie)

NYPAN Marchers (contact Cari)

Nuclear-Free, Carbon-Free (contact Tim)

Green Party (contact Mark)

Blueland (sign up here)

Divestment (contact Tina)

NYC Democratic Socialists (contact Gaya)

Peace, Justice, & Sustainability (contact David)

Sixth Street Community Center (contact Hennessy)


Foundations (contact Sarah)


Center for Common Ground (contact Meika)


NAACP (contact Abre')

Global South Diaspora (contact AL) (flyer)

NYPIRG (contact James)


Global Climate Network (contact Muhammed)

Upper West Side Action Group (contact Arlene)

WESPAC (contact Nada)

Rights of Nature (contact Maria)


Clean Water (contact Emily)

Faith Hubs (contact Aly)

High School Hubs (contact Helen)


College Hubs (contact Molly)

Location & regional Hubs

Baltimore Hub (contact Anne)

Chicago Hub (contact Larry)

Connecticut Hub (contact Christine)

Gulf South Hub (contact Shreyas)

Massachusetts Hubs

Mid-Atlantic Climate Coalition

New Jersey Hubs

New Mexico Hub (contact Silas)

New York Hubs

Rhode Island Hubs

Vermont Hub (contact Drew)

Virginia Hub (contact Mason)

West Virginia Hub (contact Dani)

Washington DC Hub (contact Phil)

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